Dealing with Wisdom Tooth Pain - Smith Sedation Dentistry

Dealing with Wisdom Tooth Pain

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, you may have pain associated with your wisdom teeth. In a perfect situation, these back molars erupt last and fit right into your mouth without problems. Many people are not so lucky, however. It is common for these teeth to attempt to come in, but have nowhere to grow in the space where your other teeth are already established. This can result in a very painful toothache.

The first step you should take is visiting your dentist, where x-rays will be taken to see exactly what is happening in your mouth. The x-rays will be examined to determine the angle the teeth are growing, how much room is available for them to develop, and if there is any infection present. Depending upon the examination results, surgery may be necessary to remove your wisdom teeth.

Your dentist will look for signs that indicate your wisdom teeth need to be removed. The main indications for tooth removal include:

  • A tooth embedded in your gums
  • A tooth that is only partially erupted
  • The presence of a cyst around the tooth
  • A tooth growing in an awkward angle

If your dentist recommends removal, it is usually suggested to have it done as soon as possible to avoid further problems and continued pain. Sometimes it is necessary to remove only a single tooth, and in other cases multiple teeth may need to go. The complexity of the removal depends on whether the teeth are embedded, the angle of growth, and other issues. Your dentist will advise you on the safest and most effective plan for taking care of your wisdom teeth and getting rid of the pain.

We look forward to seeing you in our Fresno dental office